Frequently asked questions

Why did my order fail?

To keep the API nice and fast, we handle your request to create an order asynchronously. This means that if we accept your order and passed basic validation, you will receive an UUID from us. This UUID is needed to retrieve your order later on. It will take us 30 seconds up to 5 minutes in the worst case to process your order.

If your order has not been processed, or failed, you will receive a 404 error on the get order call with your UUID. If you still get a 404 error after 10 minutes, this will mean you provided an order that cannot be placed. Orders that cannot be placed are mostly related to the following causes:

  • Invalid address data

  • Invalid products

  • Outdated category SKU is used

We are currently working on an event based system to give you exact details on where and why the order creation has failed.

Category updates

Our product managers regularly update categories. To ensure that your product still works as expected follow the following steps:

  • Check if the sku is changed (GET api/products/categories)

  • Retrieve the new SKU for the category

  • Verify that all attributes & values are still names the same, if thats not the case adjust accordingly.

Since our categories are bound to change sometimes, we would recommend to store them dynamically to make sure it is possible to change them

Combinations file too big

If you have issues with reading big combinations files (we have a few categories that are very big) we advise to use JSON stream readers. These will not put the entire file in memory, but will read it in increments.

For examples see:

How can I test my integration?

We don’t have a separate test environment. Since the most important use case for testing is that orders are not produced and billed, but that you are confident that your integration is working. Therefore in the create order endpoint we introduced an optional field testOrder. When you place an order and set the field testOrder is true, your order will not be produced and billed.

You can view the status of your testorder in the order information endpoint.